Sunday 25 March 2012

All These Girls Are Lesbian…!

The other day, I happened to read an absurd ad-article, which was published on the first page of a prominent news paper. The heading of article was ‘No Shave, No lipstick. It was written there that more than 80% girls don’t like man with stubble or beard.

And these women have started a movement which they are calling, ‘No Shave, No Lipstick Movement’. Many divas of bollywood have associated themselves with this ‘No Shave, No Lipstick Movement, they say that man look best when ‘clean-shaven’, and unless man shave daily, they won’t wear lipstick.

I find this issue worth discussing, for I feel, in today’s time where relationship between man and woman are hitting the bottom rock every now and then, it would be worth while to make a conscious effort to understand the complexity of the matter which is accountable for more than 90% problems in the world.  

Here, I would like to shed light on two vital points, First, it might be shocking for you to know but, if you ask a psychologist, they would say, women with this sort of mindset (where they like well-groomed man), are either lesbian or sexually perverted, because knowingly or unknowingly, their unconscious interest is in the women only, They are not attracted in opposite sex, more or less, they are interested in the same sex.

There are woman whom you would find behaving like man, they prefer to dress like man, and they chose the same career option which men chose. And, in it’s enthusiasm to out perform men, they adopt all kind of stupid things form man, they smoke, they drink and abuse. In addition to all these, they even start feeling and thinking like man. And, in long run, they become nothing but ‘A-Second-Grad-Man’. They think this पागलपन is growth, but, it is any thing but growth. In fact, it is degradation.

Here, it will be helpful to know that, difference between man and woman is not of quality but of quantity.  No man is absolutely man and vice versa. In every man something of woman exists and so is the case with woman.  

Second thing which I would like to bring to notice is, its not that only women think that man look best when clean-shaven; even most men (it would be right to call them Second-Grad-Woman) believe that they look their best when clean-shaven, and start decorating themselves like woman.

This is really a neurotic society; here a woman is respected and accepted only when she becomes ‘Second-Grad-Man’. And this ‘पागलपन’ is known as women-emancipation-movement.

In a healthy society, woman would be respect as woman; they would be loved and cared as they are. A woman should grow as woman, because only then, she can flower, and have satisfaction in life.

Woman and man should look as different as possible, but yes there should not be any discrimination, they both are ultimate manifestation of nature, nobody is lesser or higher. In the name of change, we are killing the beauty of life. No change is needed, only growth is required. What we do in the name of change is, we shift prisoner from one jail to another.  

Healthy mind is attracted by opposite only. Attraction is always between to opposite poles. Man and woman both are beautiful; there is no need for a woman to be like man. Why should they…? What is lacking in them….?

Last thing, who tells these ugly women to color their lips with lipstick…... to have natural read-lips, is one thing, but to color them with lipstick is sick, only sick woman does so.

At the end, I would like to repeat......, those women who are interested in clean-shaven man are Lesbian, and those men who are interested in these Second-Grad-Woman, are Gay..

Tuesday 20 March 2012

‘Nobody Knows Who is Who..…!’

I want to insult your intelligence by telling you some of the most elementary things that exist and you don’t notice, the first thing which I would like to bring to your notice is the issue of identity crisis....A Indian poet has phrased this as, " Ek ek Aadmi ke hain bees bees chehren, jitni baar milta hoon ek naye aadmi se milta hoon." 
Generally, we all pretend to be somebody else than we are....Mr. A is is pretending as if he was Mr. B, Mr. B is pretending to be Mr. C, and Mr. C is pretending to be somebody else, but one thing is certain, no body is respected and accepted as they are....Everybody is taught and forced to be like somebody else...hence there is so much identity crisis in the world. Nobody knows who is who....
Whatever we know about ourselves is nothing but accumulation of opinions which we have gathered from others, we see ourselves through other's eyes. We don't know who we actually are. Hence, others opinion plays pivotal roll in our lives..John Dewey, one of America's most profound philosophers, said that the deepest urge in human nature is "the desire to be important", important in the eyes of others.
We are all enslaved to others opinion, an opinion can make you feel good or bad, we live on others opinion, there is a tacit understanding among people, 'I have to put flowers on your wound and you have to put on mine, this mutual understanding among people is known as social etiquette.  
Aolf Hitler says in his autobiography ‘Mein Kampf, "If you repeat a lie often enough, it appears as if it was the truth." This is what has happened to us, we ourselves have forgotten our own face.
It is high time we shed our personas and got rid of our phony personality, we have to have courage to accept ourselves the way we are, otherwise we are bound to go insane, almost everybody is on the verge of going man, study shows that in cosmopolitans there out of four are insane, most of the people have some or the other psychological problems. In big cities almost everyone finds it hard to fall asleep naturally. 
Until unless we become honest with ourselves, we cannot be at ease, and I must say that honesty should be real, it must not be policy, because it is almost always that, I have seen some kind of insincerity behind the purpose of being sincere.
At the end I would like to quote Johann Wolfgang, he says," If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise." 

My suicide note.....!

Now, in my life, there is only one serious question, which is whether or not to commit suicide, now I don’t seen any light at the end of the tunnel, and don’t find any reason for which I should wait any longer and not commit suicide.
I feel as though I am just a fluke in this world, who is running form the maternity ward to the crematorium…, I am tired of existing  inside this bag of skin called body.      I feel unhappy and miserable.
In past, I was very much happy with the idea of God as the potter, as the architect of the universe, it was good. It would make me feel that, after all, life is important. There is someone who cares. Life has meaning, it has sense, and I would feel valuable in the eyes of the God
But after a while, it got embarrassing, I realized that everything I do is being watched by God, He knows my tiniest innermost feelings and thoughts, I wanted to him to stop bugging me all the time. I didn’t want him around me. So I became an atheist, just to get rid of him. Then I felt terrible after that, because by getting rid of God, I felt I got rid of myself, and now, I am nothing but a machine. Why go on…?
This world appears to me nothing but unintelligent force playing around and not even enjoying it. I feel hostile to the world, I fell that world is a trap, I really don’t know how I have got caught into this electronic and neurological world, into to a body that’s falling apart, that gets cancer, it is just terrible.  I feel like to commit suicide right now. I just don’t want to dangle my legs in empty space any more, I feel alienated, I feel like being left in the lurch, I fell separated from the all…what is the meaning and purpose of life….let me kill myself……???????????????
I think, at this point of time, laughter is need for me to exist. Otherwise, I will commit suicide……! Laughter is the relaxation. But tension is first needed, and I have created enough tension by now, so, now let’s laugh together….

Chaman Lal went to the psychiatrist and asked if the good doctor couldn’t split his personality.
”Split your personality?” asked the doctor. ”Why in heaven’s name do you want me to do a thing like
”BECAUSE,” said Chaman! ”I AM SO LONESOME.”

Chaman lal had just asked his newest girlfriend to marry him. But she seemed undecided.
”If I should say no to you” she said, ”would you commit suicide?”
”THAT,” said Chaman gallantly, ”HAS BEEN MY USUAL PROCEDURE.”

(Thank you very much for reading my suicide note, if  I am born again, I, soon, will be back with my next suicide note…ha.ah.aha.ha.ha.ha.ahha.h.aha. Again thanks a lot for reading and laughing with me….!!!!!!!!!!!!...if you like my post leave your comment/feed-back.....because I don't want to get bored in Grave....I would love reading your comment there...!!!)